Новорожденный малыш

by Selank66



The baby - the baby in the first 28 days (the first 4 weeks of life) at birth. This is the time he spends between eating and going to bed, hardly deigning to mother your attention and does not distinguish day from night.But you must be prepared for different situations and to recognize what is going on with your baby.Here you will find sectionsA newborn in the hospitalThe first day at homeApgar scoreAsphyxia newbornPatronageWeight gain in the newbornregurgitationfontanellebirthmarkhemangiomaThrush in childrenDysbacteriosisAllergy in infants: a diet for momTremor newbornsIntracranial hypertensioninfant colicUmbilical hernia in childrenmedicine chestAnd much moreMaterial provided by the site www.mama.ru